アジアの新型コロナの状況・対策 SSPメンバーより
トップ  > コラム&リポート>  アジアの新型コロナの状況・対策 SSPメンバーより >  File No.20-26


2020年6月10日 Fuengfa Damjamnong(DVM, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya、さくらサイエンスプラン同窓生)


 タイでの最初のCOVID-19のケースは、2020年1月15日に中国からの旅行者から見つかりました。タイでの5月2日付けのCOVID-19感染者の総数は2,966人です。 本日報告されたところによれば、新たに退院した患者6人を含む180人の患者がまだ入院しています。これまでに2,732人が回復し、54人が死亡しました。(出典:data.go.th最終更新:02/05/2020)







 私はさくらサイエンスプランに参加して、日本から帰国後、感染に少しパニックになったので、学生や同僚、家族とは距離を置きました。私はいつも人前ではマスクを着用し、手指消毒の石鹸で手を洗い、温かい食べ物を食べたりするなどして身を守ってきました。4月になって、大学は学部長と学部に在宅勤務を求める発表をしました。私達はZoom、Google Meet、Skypeなど、さまざまなアプリケーションを介してオンライン会議を行います。私はGoogleのフォームによって最終試験を行い、また、一人一人に対してLINEで口頭試問を行いました。何人かの学生は、インターネットの速度のためにこのようなやり方を評価しませんでしたし、また答が漏れる可能性があるかもしれませんが、私は在宅時は快適です。4月10日から30日まで、トラン州の私の故郷では、他の州からくる感染者の数が相当多くみられたため、部分的なロックダウンを発表しました。また、トラン州に到着する全ての旅行者に対して14日間の健康検疫を行うことを含む監視措置の強化がなされました。トラン州では7件のCovid-19感染が報告されましたが、7人とも回復しました。今、私はナコン・スリ・タマラート州に滞在する必要があり、家には帰れません。私は両親がとても恋しいのですが、毎日ビデオコールで電話しています。







COVID-19 in Thailand

The first case COVID-19 in Thailand was detected on 15 January 2020, in travelers from China.

On May 02, 2020, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Thailand are 2,966. There are 180 patients still hospitalized including the 6 newly discharged patients reported today; 2,732 patients recovered and 54 patient deceased. (Source: data.go.th Last update : 02/05/2020)

Thailand's night curfew from 10 pm to 4 am starts from Friday 3 April 2020. All people in Thailand were banned from leaving home from 10pm to 4am starting Friday in the government's latest move to contain the spread of coronavirus. Prime Minister announced the curfew on Thursday evening. Exempted from the curfew are medical and banking personnel, as well as logistic workers handling consumer products, farm goods, pharmaceutical products, medical supplies and equipment, newspapers, petrol, postal parcels, or products to be imported or exported. Movements of people to quarantine places are also allowed. Other exemptions are people working normal night shifts or those heading to or from airports with necessary documents stating the purposes, or officials working by the announcements or orders and those allowed by officials to leave the house on emergencies. Violation will result in a jail term of not more than two years and/or a fine not more than 40,000 baht. (source:bangkokpost.com/thailand)


The city on the night of the curfew from 10pm to 4am announced by the Prime Minister.

How it has affected my lifestyle

After I came back from Japan (SSP2020) I was a little panic for infection, so I distanced myself from the students, colleague and my family. I have protected myself by wearing a face mask all the time in the public, washing hands with hand sanitizer soap, eating hot foods, etc. In April, the university announced to my dean and faculty to work from home. We will have meeting online via different application such as Zoom, Google Meet or Skype. I conducted the final examination by Google form and oral examination one by one via Line application. Some students did not appreciate that because of internet speed and may be the possibility of the leakage of the answer but I feel comfortable when I stay at home.

From 10-30 April, 2020, my hometown in "Trang" province announced a partial lockdown as it has seen higher number of cases arriving from other provinces. Surveillance measures have been tightened including a 14-day health quarantine for all travelers arriving in Trang. There are 7 reported Covid-19 cases in Trang and all 7 patients have recovered. Now, I have to stay in NaKhon Sri Thammarat province for the long holiday. So I could not go back to my home. I missed my parents very much but I call them via Video call Line every day.


Screening Point of Thung Song district, NaKhon Sri Thammarat province


Social distancing in the bank near my home. (Na Khon Sri Thammarat province)

Home Quarantine: There are a lot of challenges such as cooking by myself, staying with my pets or we can get cheaper fruit.

I hope everything will turn out fine soon.
Best regards,
Fuengfa Damjamnong, RMUTSV
Participant of Sakura Science Project 2020