アジアの新型コロナの状況・対策 SSPメンバーより
トップ  > コラム&リポート アジアの新型コロナの状況・対策 SSPメンバーより >  File No.20-40


2020年7月07日 Mutia Mauliddini(Mutia Mauliddini Civil Engineering, Universitas Bakrie、さくらサイエンスプラン(SSP)同窓生)


 インドネシアでのCOVID-19は、2020年3月2日に初めて確認されました。このパンデミックは、国内34の州全てに広がり、政府は大規模な社会的規制を承認しました。(インドネシア語でPSBB:Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) PSBBを終え、新しい日常(ニューノーマル)を目指し始めた人々もいます。政府が進行中のパンデミックと戦うのを助けるために、大学や民間企業が多くの支援をしています。

フェーズ1 発生






フェーズ2 防疫




フェーズ3:新しい日常(New Normal)











Covid-19 infection in Indonesia

Reported by Mutia Mauliddini
Civil Engineering, Universitas Bakrie
(An alumnus of SSP from Indonesia)

COVID-19 was confirmed in Indonesia since 2 March 2020. The pandemic had spread to all of the country's 34 provinces. The government has approved large-scale social restrictions (Indonesian: Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, abbreviated as PSBB). Some had ended their PSBB and starting to apply New Normal. There are a lot of support from universities and other private firms to help the government in combatting the on-going pandemic.

Phase 1 Outbreak

During this pandemic we have to take care of each other, because of the soaring prices of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) and the economic crisis that has been faced by everyone. Alumni of Civil Engineering conducted a fundraising process to donate masks, face shields and handsinitizers to RSKIA, Bandung. The masks to be donated are cloth masks, masks that are environmentally friendly, can be washed and used repeatedly. The handsinitizer which will be donated by homemade which is made from safe and hygienic materials. The face shield is made by us using 3D printing technology. We also distribute masks to orphanages in south Jakarta.

Phase 2 Quarantine

The economic crisis struck the society, many of us have lost their jobs and only left with limited supply food. The quarantine is beginning to have serious negative effects on the population's mental health, not everyone can deal with the quarantine positively. We distributed donations which is basic food to be distributed to people who needed help. It also helps mental health because it can spread positive energy and see people's smile.

Phase 3 New Normal

Now in the New Normal situation must still obey the instructions to social and physical distancing, don't forget to use mask and washing hands after activity. Universitas Bakrie is in the area of the Epicentrum which has offices, apartments, hospitals, malls, etc. This area is a lot of foreign who settled. So that on Epiwalk there is a body temperature check for visitors using Thermal Camera technology. Checking the body temperature can be known quickly so it does not cause queues. Where guests who attended this area many expartriates and diplomats.

And also we make handling as pulling doorknobs so that we do not touch directly objects in public places. The making of this tool uses 3D printing technology. To deal with the new normal we need to prepare for self-protection and give each other real examples through exemplary behaviour. The lifestyle changes such as not going to a crowded place, ordering food takeaway instead of eating in a restaurant and residents awareness in maintaining healthy. It will be over soon.